Friday, October 13, 2006


upgrading bucky-the-bike

yesterday i got two new tires on bucky-the-bike [will include photo later] and will soon get a headlight. i've got two bikes i ride...bucky--my daily driver, graciously on loan from my great pal dan o'dair who left for hollywood in january--and pongo, my "real bike" as i sometimes call it...the bike i've been across the country on, around 4 of the great lakes [not huron yet], and around most of italy [the alps and coast].

the reason i'm upgrading bucky is that he has fenders which are crucial for daily riding. not sure why most bikes in america don't have fenders, but they don't. and i had to have the fenders put on bucky last spring, but since they're an after-market modification, they aren't perfect and sometimes rub the tires, etc. but oh well, they do the job.

another necessary item will be a headlight. pongo has a self-generating headlight--which is great and doesn't suck batteries and doesn't make riding that much more difficult--and bucky will be much more better once i get one in him too. ha ha!

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